CategoryReal Investing

Zombie House Flipping

Writing more about this topic soon.

Stay tuned !

How to make a home more accessible

Many homeowners have found themselves scrambling to make their homes handicap-accessible after a sudden injury or illness. In addition, home homeowners have found themselves looking to make adjustments to their homes in anticipation of welcoming elderly, less mobile relatives into their homes.

Converting a home into a handicap-accessible space can seem like a daunting task that requires adjustments to nearly every part of the house. While the extent of those adjustments depend upon the individual who needs accommodation, some of the areas that must be addressed the same regardless of that person’s particular condition.

Take a look at the following places/items in the home:

  • Entryways: Entryways must be examined when evaluating accessibility. Portable ramps can be an affordable option and are often an ideal solution for those that need a simple, temporary adjustment to the floorplan. Pay particular attention to the width of the entry. A standard wheelchair is wider than a folding one.

    For long-term/permanent solutions, consider expanding doorways to at least 32 inches. Doorways at the most frequently-used locations, and the primary entry/egress should not be an obstacle and allow easy access.
  • Bathrooms: A bathroom might be the area of the home that needs the most attention. Slippery conditions common to bathrooms can make things especially difficult for people in wheelchairs or with disabilities. Grab bars should be installed on tubs and showers, even next to toilets.

    Grab bars aren’t the only adjustment homeowners should make in the bathroom as they renovate. Safety treads can be installed to provide a secure, slip-free surface on the floors of showers and tubs. There are also solutions for folks that do not have a firm grip. Portable transfer seats are also very helpful for people using wheelchairs. Also, there are several toilet models that area installed with an optional baseplate. By removing the baseplate, the seat is effectively lowered by as much as 2 to 4 inches.
  • Water Fixtures: An often-overlooked adjustment are modifications to sinks throughout the home. A vanity cabinet under a sink often prohibits easy access to someone in a wheelchair. Replacing that model with a pedestal or wall-mounted type and ensuring that they are a little lower than a standard sink installation will make that space much more accessible. In shower stalls, and tubs with a shower option, adapt the showerhead to include a diverter and a hand-held wand to a shower stall to make it easier for those who have limited mobility.
  • Closets: Transform a standard closet to feature multi-level bars, shelves, and drawers that can be opened with an easy pull from just one hand. Also, consider installing a light inside the closet if it doesn’t already have one.

Making a home more accessible can be a significant undertaking, but many of the adjustments homeowners must make are small in scale and won’t take too long too complete.

Adapted slightly from original article by: as seen in the Daily Press HomeFinder insert, Sep 20, 2014. Original Source: Metro Creative Content

Adaptive Reuse – Green Construction Practice

Adaptive reuse is the process of reusing an existing site or buildings into locations that are economically useful… but for a purpose other than what it was originally used/intended. Unlike simple historic conservation, adaptive reuse transforms underused buildings and sites into locations that are economically useful. Examples include the renovation of abandoned warehouses into studio spaces and the use of abandoned parking lots for open-air markets such as farmers’ markets. Less commonly, the term can refer to the use of salvaged materials to construct or renovate an edifice. An example of this might be repurposing the wood from barns for flooring in a new home.

Follow this link for the full article!

via Adaptive Reuse – BONUS.

Caregiver Homes

I am looking for 3-4 structures on the peninsula to work on over the next year, while I develop and qualify a team here in Newport News, VA.

I am looking for inexpensive (less than $99K) properties to overhaul into what I call “caregiver homes”.

An example of such a structure follows:

  • cinderblock-walled OR a lumber-frame with a brick exterior
  • ranch-style home… possibly split level
  • could be a 2 BR/1 BA OR a 2 BR/2 BA on a slab or crawl
  • good bones/sound structure
  • access to plumbing/furnace/water heater/breaker box
  • not prone to flooding
  • may already require some plumbing & rewiring on existing structure
  • may already require roofing/windows on existing structure
  • good access to ALL sides of the structure
  • a larger lot (as in a subdivision or on a double or corner lot as in a city)
  • lot size MUST be larger than 0.11 acres (~5000 sq ft) and cannot be too narrow
  • existing off-street (2) parking AND room for additional visitor parking (2)
  • room for wheelchair ramp access to at least 2 entrances
  • garage optional
  • room for a large screened-in porch, atrium, or otherwise safe outdoor space for someone to get a little sunshine, service a bird feeder, birdbath etc.
  • in addition to updating existing structure, my renovation could include:
    • add 1 or 2 ADA-compliant BR, each with an attached ADA-compliant BA for each added BR
    • may also include adding a wrap-around porch
    • greatroom
    • laundry
    • garage
    • storage unit
    • security/monitoring system.

I would consider looking at a home that already has some of these features if a seller is motivated/price is right…

Example: I recently spoke with a guy that had moved his family here from the MidWest to take care of an elderly in-law. He bought the house next door to the in-law, and did a lot of mods to both homes to accommodate his own preferences and his wife’s elderly parent. Now that the elder has passed away, his wife has no remaining familial ties to this area, so he is now planning to go back to the MidWest and is motivated to sell both properties.

An abnormal hiccup in the consideration/purchase process would be to ensure I have no conflict with local ordinances or the city master plan… and that it is not a historic property with restrictions on renovation.

What can be done with an abandoned lot?

  • We could get rid of an eyesore structure or abandoned/broken cars…
  • We could make a small park…
  • We could dig a pond…
  • We could make a community garden… like these:

Urban Gardens